Yasmin wants to be an astronaut someday, but after a class trip to the space museum, she’s not sure she’s cut out for space flight. Then a tour of the mission control exhibit gives Yasmin...
Yasmin wants to be an astronaut someday, but after a class trip to the space museum, she’s not sure she’s cut out for space flight. Then a tour of the mission control exhibit gives Yasmin...
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Yasmin wants to be an astronaut someday, but after a class trip to the space museum, she’s not sure she’s cut out for space flight. Then a tour of the mission control exhibit gives Yasmin another idea about how her future might lift off! Best-selling author Saadia Faruqi shares another delightful story featuring Yasmin and her multigenerational Pakistani American family.
About the Author-
Saadia Faruqi is a Pakistani American writer, interfaith activist, and cultural sensitivity trainer featured in O, The Oprah Magazine. She is the the author of the Yasmin series and also writes middle grade novels, such as Yusuf Azeem Is Not a Hero, and other books for children. Saadia is editor-in-chief of Blue Minaret, an online magazine of poetry, short stories, and art. Besides writing books, she also loves reading, binge-watching her favorite shows, and taking naps. She lives in Houston, Texas, with her family.
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