The third in five books about a 12-year-old girl named Aru Shah and her journey to find her Pandava sisters in order to restore order to the world and save the mother she loves.
The third in five books about a 12-year-old girl named Aru Shah and her journey to find her Pandava sisters in order to restore order to the world and save the mother she loves.
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The third in five books about a 12-year-old girl named Aru Shah and her journey to find her Pandava sisters in order to restore order to the world and save the mother she loves.
In the third instalment of the Pandava Quartet, 14-year-old Arundhati "Aru" Shah and her companions need to defeat their archnemesis (and Aru's father), the Sleeper, and prevent the impending war between the devas and asuras. The novel opens with Aru and her friends on a mission to rescue two people from the Sleeper's soldiers. The two people are 10-year-old identical twins and Pandavas Nikita and Sheela, trapped atop a Ferris wheel in downtown Atlanta. This mission is of utmost importance because Sheela is a clairvoyant with an important prophecy, which speaks of the rise of the Sleeper and an untrue Pandava sister--and which the Sleeper must not hear at any cost. Despite their best efforts, however, one of the Sleeper's soldiers overhears the prophecy, and Aru, Mini, Brynne, and Adin--accompanied by Rudy, a serpent prince--set off to find the missing Kalpavriksha, a wish-granting tree, so that they might wish upon it to set things right. Much like its predecessors, this fast-moving adventure draws on Hindu cosmology and South Asian pop-culture references to create an enchanting but believable magical Otherworld, where gods, demigods, demons, and talking animals abound. Chokshi's novel is pitch perfect: The plot is action-packed, the dialogue witty, and the characters (almost all of whom are either Indian or part-Indian) are compelling, diverse, and complex. Touching, riotously funny, and absolutely stunning. (Fantasy. 10-14)
COPYRIGHT(2020) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (Online Review)
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