A baby owl is rescued and rehabilitated, and builds her own family, in this tender and wise picture book. In the spring of 2019, ecologist Carl Safina and his wife, Patricia, took in little Alfie, a...
A baby owl is rescued and rehabilitated, and builds her own family, in this tender and wise picture book. In the spring of 2019, ecologist Carl Safina and his wife, Patricia, took in little Alfie, a...
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A baby owl is rescued and rehabilitated, and builds her own family, in this tender and wise picture book.
In the spring of 2019, ecologist Carl Safina and his wife, Patricia, took in little Alfie, a bedraggled Eastern Screech Owl chick who quickly became part of their family. With the Safinas' care and expertise, the little owl grew, learned to hunt on her own, and eventually found her own family in a mate and chicks. As time passed, Carl realized that his bond with Alfie was greater than just saving her life—it offered wisdom, joy, and magic to him in return.
Carl Safina lends an insightful and expert voice to Alfie's tale, providing readers with a perspective that is simultaneously informative and deeply personal. With eye-catching, intimate photographs chronicling Alfie's healing and growth, Owls in Our Yard is the heartfelt story of an animal/human friendship rooted in trust, care, and respect for the natural world.
About the Author-
Carl Safina is a Stony Brook University endowed professor and the recipient of a MacArthur "genius" fellowship. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, Time, the Guardian, Audubon, and National Geographic. He lives in East Setauket, New York.
March 1, 2024 Grades 2-4 *Starred Review* Ecologist Safina writes with warmth and wonder as he describes his family's experience caring for an orphaned eastern screech owl. Alfie, who first appeared as little more than a filthy ball of feathers, would grow into a beauty that, though able to survive in the wild, chose to remain near the Safina home. Safina smoothly incorporates owl facts into his personal narrative, and his investment in Alfie's well-being--further evidenced by the numerous, adorable color photos of her--will be reciprocated wholeheartedly by the reader. The family's worries that Alfie might not fly or be capable of hunting are keenly described, making her successes on both fronts all the more exciting. But things kick into high gear when Alfie brings home a mate (Plus One), and they raise a brood of three owlets, aptly described as resembling "cotton candy with big eyes," in the nesting box affixed to Safina's house. Perhaps the most dramatic interlude is when the newly fledged owlets try to settle in a tree only to be fiercely evicted by its resident blue jays and robins--an ordeal that all survive and Safina describes with a mix of concern and a scientist's measured understanding. Nonfiction and nature lovers will be swept up by this heartening story. A natural fit for Sy Montgomery fans and fledgling Scientists in the Field readers.
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