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Basketball GOATs
Cover of Basketball GOATs
Basketball GOATs
The Greatest Athletes of All Time
How do you pick basketball's GOATs? Michael Jordan and LeBron James get a lot of GOAT nods. But is Steph Curry the greatest shooter? And what about all-time WNBA points leader Diana Taurasi? It comes...
How do you pick basketball's GOATs? Michael Jordan and LeBron James get a lot of GOAT nods. But is Steph Curry the greatest shooter? And what about all-time WNBA points leader Diana Taurasi? It comes...
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  • How do you pick basketball's GOATs? Michael Jordan and LeBron James get a lot of GOAT nods. But is Steph Curry the greatest shooter? And what about all-time WNBA points leader Diana Taurasi? It comes down to stats, history, and hunches. Read more about some of the legends of basketball and see if you agree that they're the greatest of all time.

About the Author-

  • Bruce Berglund is a writer and historian. For 19 years, he taught history at Calvin College and the University of Kansas. His courses included the history of China, Russia, women in Europe, sports, and war in modern society. He has earned three Fulbright awards and traveled to 17 countries for research and teaching. His most recent book is The Fastest Game in the World, a history of world hockey published by the University of California Press. Bruce works as a writer at Gustavus Adolphus College, and he teaches writing classes at the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis. His four children grew up reading books from Capstone Press, especially the graphic novel versions of classic literature. Bruce grew up in Duluth and now lives in southern Minnesota.

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Basketball GOATs
Basketball GOATs
The Greatest Athletes of All Time
Bruce Berglund
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Basketball GOATs
Basketball GOATs
The Greatest Athletes of All Time
Bruce Berglund
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