Jina is learning about climate change for a class project. What she discovers leads her to making plans to reduce energy use around her house. Her plans run into a few snags, and she becomes frustrated...
Jina is learning about climate change for a class project. What she discovers leads her to making plans to reduce energy use around her house. Her plans run into a few snags, and she becomes frustrated...
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Jina is learning about climate change for a class project. What she discovers leads her to making plans to reduce energy use around her house. Her plans run into a few snags, and she becomes frustrated about whether she's doing enough. With the help of her understanding parents and teacher along with a new friend, Jina finds out even small changes can lead to positive outcomes.
About the Author-
Carol Kim believes books and words have a magical ability to change the world, and she writes for children with the hope of spreading some of that magic. She is the author of the picture book biography, King Sejong Invents an Alphabet as well as more than a dozen fiction and nonfiction books for the educational market. Carol loves unearthing real-life stories and little-known facts to share with young readers. She lives in Austin, Texas with her family. Learn more at her website: CarolKimBooks.com.
September 1, 2023 Grades 1-3 This early chapter-book series opener introduces a young Korean girl who takes steps to reduce her family's carbon footprint. While researching a school science project, Jina Jeong learns about climate change and is determined to help save the planet. Thinking about ways to conserve energy close to home, the passionate child brainstorms a list and then springs into action, quickly unplugging the coffee maker and her mom's charging station. But Jina's best intentions have unexpected consequences. Bright ideas start to shine when she talks to her parents and works collaboratively with her family and community. UK illustrator Ahya Kim's full-color digital vignettes warmly complement the text and feature many green-hued details, from lush grassy lawns to a potted plant in the kitchen. Back matter includes a glossary (of environmental terms as well as Korean treats like bingsu and bulgogi), some discussion questions, and an "Earth Friendly Reminders" activity. Six short chapters clearly convey an empowering message: "Even just doing a few things can make a difference."
September 1, 2023
Gr 1-3-"Introducing...Earth Girl!" Jina Jeong is here to save the planet. A class research assignment leads Jina to learn about climate change, a series of missteps in saving energy, and a solution that initiates a friendship. Though the introduction to climate change is somewhat simplistic, Jina's realizations about the practicalities of conserving energy are on point; for Jina, it seems "saving energy takes a lot of energy." Opening windows and raising the thermostat prove to be uncomfortable solutions, and Jina discovers that walking to school does not work for every family. Jina's persistence in searching for a way to do her part ultimately pays off in a satisfying and clever conclusion. Simple sentence structure and short chapters make this a suitable early chapter book. The text is formatted to appeal to early readers with sufficient white space, large text, and well-spaced colorful illustrations. The glossary contains some scientific definitions related to global warming as well as descriptions of Korean dishes, such as bingsu and bulgogi. VERDICT This beginning reader offers a likable character with resilience in seeking small solutions to large problems as an superficial introduction to climate change. Recommended.-Jamie Jensen
Copyright 2023 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.
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